Check Out My Creations On Pinterest!!!

Froggie's Creative Creations


My mission for freebies was just after I had my my first daughter.. I started searching on-line for the cheapest way to get formula, diapers, wipes and baby food. We all know how expensive it could be. Soon I was signing up for Similac, Enfamil, Gerber, Huggies, ect ect.. Then someone told me about Poshpoints( The site is dead and gone now) But the site was really great in the beginning.. Trade points for items and the seller pays shipping was awesome!! I got a lot of free formula, wipes, coupons ect ect... Then I started to get into the coupons, oh how I Loved WAGS before they started those dang RR's. So frustrating..
One of the best things about being a stay at home mom is the freebies I get in the mail.. Everyday is like a new surprise! I am a committed freebie hunter..I am a member to many sites so many I have had to save them to my favorites... I do surveys for $$, fill out forms for rebates, belong to a lot of mommy tradings site where we all swap stuff for points, And then there is the coupon site where everyone matches best deals with coupons or when an item has been marked down we all get the 411 on when and where.
I also have a very creative side and recently started selling some of my items at a local shop. I love garage sales! That is where I normally find my great items I create my items with. Recycled Handmade Original Creations from almost anything. Check me out on Pinterest link located above or follow me on Facebook!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

If you bought Enfamil LIPIL® Infant Formula you could get free infant formula or cash from a Settlement.

If you bought Enfamil LIPIL® Infant Formula you could get

free infant formula or cash from a Settlement.

Records show that you may have bought infant formula in the past. A Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit about whether Mead Johnson & Company, LLC ("Mead Johnson") falsely represented that Enfamil LIPIL® is the only infant formula that contains DHA and ARA. DHA and ARA are healthy fatty acids. Mead Johnson will pay between $8 million and $12 million in infant formula and cash. No one is claiming that Enfamil LIPIL® is unsafe or challenging the nutrition it provides. Go to for more information and to file a claim online.

Who's Included? You are included if you bought Enfamil LIPIL® infant formula in the United States between October 13, 2005 and March 31, 2010. You are not included if you received Enfamil LIPIL® infant formula through the U.S.D.A.'s Women, Infants and Children program ("WIC") or purchased it for resale.

What Can You Get? Those included in the Settlement will be eligible to receive a payment up to $12 or two free cans of formula. The amount of benefits you may receive will be based on the length of time you bought the formula.

How to Get Benefits? You must submit a Claim Form to get benefits. The Claim Form is available at or by calling 1-866-254-8048. You can submit a Claim Form online or by mail. The deadline to submit a Claim Form is November 25, 2011. Only one claim per household.

Your Other Rights. If you do nothing, your rights will be affected. If you do not want to be legally bound by the Settlement, you must exclude yourself from the Settlement. The deadline to exclude yourself is August 22, 2011. If you do not exclude yourself you will not be able to sue Mead Johnson for any claim relating to the lawsuit. If you stay in the Settlement, you may object to it by August 22, 2011. The Court will hold a hearing on September 26, 2011 to consider whether to approve the Settlement and a request for attorneys' fees up to $3.5 million. You can appear at the hearing, but you don't have to. You can hire your own attorney, at your own expense, to appear or speak for you at the hearing.

For more information or a Claim Form: 1-866-254-8048

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